What: 5th Annual Collegiate Wushu Championships
When: February 17th, 2001
Where: Cal State University at
Fullerton - Titan Student Union, Fullerton, CA
Reg Form and Waiver:
Registration Form
Pre-Registration Deadline: February 1st, 2001
Click here for schedule
Further information:
Campus Map and Parking Information
Directions to Cal State Fullerton
Hotels (from yp.yahoo.com)
The Cal State Fullerton Wushu Club is hosting the 5th Annual Collegiate Wushu Championships for the 2000-2001 year. For those of you not familiar with the Collegiate Competition, its a competition open only to college students who do Chinese Martial Arts (all types- Contemporary, Traditional or Internal Wushu). The competition is unique in that not only are All-Around Male and Female champions named, but also there is a team competition to name the Top Collegiate Wushu Team. The team competition is open to any group of 6 athletes from the same university. One year alumni are also allowed to participate in individual competition.
Please see the 2001 Rules Page for a full description of the competition and eligibility rules.
Be sure to read and completely understand the rules and obtain the necessary proof of student status before submitting your registration form. If you have any questions on the rules, please email Raffi Kamalian - raffi@uclink.berkeley.edu. If you have questions on the location or registration, please email the Tournament Director - intercollegiate2001@excite.com.
Tournament Schedule
Last updated - 2/10/01
Click here for a brief history of Collegiate
7:30- 8:30 am - at-door registration
8:30 am - open ceremony
9:00 am - competition starts
6:00 pm - competition ends
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