At the Xi'an McDonalds - among the 45 Billion satisfied customers, one 2000 year old Terracotta Warrior, who is proud to say: "McDonalds, I'm lovin' it!" in Chinese.
Past Pics
A self-portrait taken on a double-decker bus in Hong Kong. Yeah, I'm the nerd who runs up and sits in the front seat upstairs, and yes, I even put my seatbelt on. (January 2003)
This time a two parter,
A sequel to this picture - Eric and I throw it down again on the precipice of North Dome in Yosemite national park. Doh, looks like I'm in trouble... (May 2002):
Its a mop, its a baby, its a baby-mop! Just a random picture a friend of mine forwarded me that I thought was worth sharing.
Despite the weather,
Beijing Wushu Team Head Coach Wu Bin and I visited the White House in
January 2001.
Raffi and his pal Dan in front of the famous ruins of St. Paul's Church on
the Island of Macau.
Not exactly a 'random picture' this is an actual ad I found in the
Pheonix AZ phonebook. I don't know anything about this school aside from
what I've seen in this ad and on their website (see ad for URL), but this
ad is pretty damn crazy, so I thought I'd share it with everyone.
Brandon shows Raffi who the real Mulan is, taken at Orlando's Splendid
China Park
Another one of Elan - this one is taken by David Cheng at the 2000
Collegiates. Elan is caught in midflight during his jump inside fall
during Nanquan.
My buddy Elan busting out an aerial at a Cal Wushu Club demo on Sproul
Plaza on the UC Berkeley Campus Spring Semester 2000.
From right to left, thats Elan, Raffi, Brandon and Darth Jimmy waiting in
line for the premiere of The Phantom Menace back in May '99. Not
pictured: the guy in the Jar Jar Binks costume who was running up and
down the line.
Raffi catching air in broadsword at the 2000 Collegiates. Captured midair
between the forward and backwards thrusts at the end of the section
section of the Compulsory form.
Sherpa and Raffi showshoeing at Echo Lake, near Lake Tahoe, CA, January
Sherpamobile and her owner stop for a photo in scenic Yosemite National
Park (and they said she couldn't make it!)
From the archives, this 1995 photo shows Eric Yeh demonstrating a little
known move in Nanquan, known as The Rack, on Cal wushu alum Quan
I ran into this John Travolta look alike at the Forbidden City in Beijing.
I couldn't resist snapping a picture, as I have always been a big fan of
Saturday Night Fever
Brandon demonstrates his ability to manipulate his chi. Notice the golden
glow that eminates from his dantian.
The true Sherpamobile! This picture was taken in the middle of a long day
helping my friends move in San Francisco. Sherpamobile2000 came in quite
handy that day...
Leonardo DiCaprio wouldn't have lasted a second up here. Raffi visits Mono
Pass on the Eastern side of the Sierra Nevada mountains, July 1998.
He who challenges the power of the Sherpa shall be destroyed!
The day after WKF nationals in the summer of 1998, Brandon demonstrates
his eight diagram palm to the tourists outside of the US Capitol in
Washington DC.
Shortly after this picture was taken, Eric fell off the cliff and
was impaled on the rocks below.
Some Wushu Tough Guys stop to pose for a picture along the Central
California Coast, Sept. 1998